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"How To" Change your Desktop Icons

  1. Pick an ICON on your Desktop and right mouse click on it.
  2. A new window will open drop towards the bottom until you find "Properties" then left click on it. a new window will open
  3. About 1/2 way down on the right side you will see a button labeled "Change Icon" Click on it.
  4. A New window opens with the title Change ICON. This window has three button are on the bottom, click on the right one labeled "BROWSE". Now find the folder you saved your ICON's to and select one to be added. Click Open. This should select an ICON 
  5. Click on the OK button at bottom, the window will close, and you just have one window now which has OK, Cancel, Apply on the bottom. Click on OK. Window closes ICON is now changed.
  6. Instruction photo


Last update was at  04/07/2008 02:38:49 PM

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